St. Louis Snow Removal Services
The winter can be a taxing time for both home and business owners. As snow builds up, it can present hazards, which include:
Unsafe Conditions
Excess snow can cover patches of ice, which can lead to slip and fall accidents. If snow has gathered on certain materials, like asphalt, it may also melt during the day, and then freeze during the night. All of this translates into a dangerous situation, especially for parts of the population that can be seriously injured by even a minor fall.
Difficulty Driving and Parking
Snow that’s built up in a drive way can slow down your commute at best, and present a chance for your tires locking up at worst. You may not be able to pull out of a parking spot, or could lose control of the vehicle, especially if the property has any sort of incline.

Damage to materials underneath.
Accumulated snow can also cause cracking and damage to materials like concrete and asphalt when combined with rapid changes in temperature and the presence of salt. The longer that a property remains uncleared, the more likely it will be that there will be some structural damage.
If you’re worried about the snow on your property, don’t wait for Spring to thaw it away; contact our company so that we can provide professional, friendly snow removal. We offer:

Snow Plowing
With professional equipment, to get the job done fast.
Snow Blowing and Shoveling
To get it out of the way and off of your property.
Anti-Icing and De-Icing
To make your property safer. There’s nothing worse than having to salt yourself and hope for the best. Let our de-icing services get it out of the way, and our anti-icing make sure that it doesn’t come back.
Clearing of Walkways, Sidewalks, and Parking lots
We work with both residential and commercial properties to ensure a clearer and safer path of traffic.
Shoveling a walk on your own, or paying local kids to do the job can save money, but will it give you the results that you need? As a professional snow removal service and plowing company, we come to every job with dedication and focus to get your walkway, driveway, and property free and clear of hazardous snow and ice, no matter the temperature outside. Our anti-icing services also make sure that you won’t be bothered by ice again in the near future, which is peace of mind that everyone can appreciate.
We can work with homes, businesses, organizations like schools, and more. We offer emergency snow removal services when a big storm comes into town, or regular snow removal maintenance that can provide you with clear lots and walk ways throughout the coldest months of the season. Take a break from trying to shovel it all yourself, and call our company so that we can get to work as soon as possible. You can enjoy a warm cup of coffee while we handle the rest.